Mountain karee, Berg Karee (Rhus leptodictya)
The Mountain karee or Berg karee (Rhus leptodictya) is an evergreen small tree which can grow up to 8m tall with an open rounded crown, often multi-stemmed or low-branching. This tree occurs in most habitats especially on rocky slopes and is frost and drought resistant. The rough dark bark and the light green leaves create an attractive contrast and the foliage brings an extra dimension in the garden.

Flowers occur in many branched clusters at the end of branches with small and pale yellow flowers blooming from December to April. This is an excellent shade tree in hot regions. The Mountain karee has arching branches that make it attractive near a water garden and it creates a light shade canopy for more sensitive plants.

The Mountain karee (Berg karee) is a useful screen against noise and wind and is an essential tree for attracting birds to your garden. It grows in most types of soil and needs to be watered well until established.

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